Posts by Tag


Idea 100 plus

less than 1 minute read

All the rest of the ideas that did not make the cut

Idea 089 - Wheres Wren?

2 minute read

A Wheres Waldo hunt and search photo book that teaches people how to ID local species of birds.

Idea 064 - Inflatable crowd

less than 1 minute read

A crowd of mini wacky inflatable arm man (Air Dancers) in a matrix controlled by sound

Idea 058 - In a million parts

8 minute read

Transformative art series based on quotable lines from books, movies, or songs. Nnamdi Brat as Blown ink and watercolor paintings

Idea 057 - Movie Mogul Mania

2 minute read

A fantasy movie league where players draft actors and films to earn points based on award nominations and wins, box office sales, and other movie statistics

Idea 039 - Growth a game

5 minute read

A game where you start as the smallest living thing, then grow and evolve depending on what actions you do the most

Idea 030 - Chatbot Journaling

2 minute read

A chatbot that gives you writing prompts for daily journaling. Ask follow up questions for clarity. Builds a web of knowledge about you and gives feedback

Idea 029 - SproutSwipe

3 minute read

Use cell phone sensors to create a filtered list of suitable plants for a space then show the plants using Augmented Reality. Dating app for plants

Idea 028 - Finite Future Clock

4 minute read

Experience the passage of time in a new light with our death clock a stunning LED panel that visualizes the preciousness of life as it counts down Serves as ...

Idea 024 - Call to Adventure

1 minute read

A mystery letter is delivered filled with puzzles that need to be solved in order to give directions to a meeting place for the start of an adventure.

Idea 019 - Big Red Button

2 minute read

Create a series of buttons with labels, install them around the city, see what ones get pushed most

Idea 015 - AI Create your own story book

1 minute read

AI generated a personalized story book that incorporates information that you provide, following the common story types. Hero’s journey, etc, made for kids

Idea 014 - AI Pictionary

1 minute read

Like, Pictionary but an AI draws the picture and you try and guess the prompt that was used to generate the picture

Idea 008 - Reconnect a postcard project

2 minute read

People are disconnected more than ever and need a reason to reconnect with each other. Create a series of postcards and send packs of them to friends and fam...

Idea 007 - Emoji Macro Pad Keyboard

2 minute read

A macro pad keyboard with most commonly used Emoji as key caps for quick access when you want to respond to a message with an iconography

Idea 005 - Scream Photo Booth

1 minute read

A photo booth where the camera is only triggered when you scream loud enough. Producing a photo with real emotions

Idea 003 - PCB Art of Every Mammal in BC

3 minute read

A series of PCB art badges, one for each mammal in BC. Each badge has a small sensor and some LEDs that relate to the mammal. Make a limited edition series o...

Idea 002 - Keyboard Flute

3 minute read

Electronic Flute PCB - A product for music lovers and DIY enthusiasts alike. This PCB is designed to be a customizable electronic flute that uses a tiny mems...

Samsung The Frame TV art

less than 1 minute read

I created a Gallery of AI/ML generated artwork for the The Samsung ‘The Frame’ TV. All the artwork in this gallery was generated by me using Mid Journey and ...

Feb 2019 brain dump

3 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. Previous: Nov 2018, (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a know...

Laser cut Frabjous

less than 1 minute read

I laser cut this object sesigned by George W. Hart as a gift for my mother for xmas this year.I got the original design from Thingiverse, made for 4mm ply wo...

The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

The Giant Claw Game! - The Claw, Prototype 2

less than 1 minute read

This is the second prototype of the claw. I really liked the claw design by Marc Cryan that I found on but I wanted it to have three prongs...

The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action - Teeth

1 minute read

I have been accepted in to “the 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action” art show in Vancouver. The show will be at Hot Art Wet City Pop Up Gallery (752 E Broadway) o...

Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

The last batch of GeoCoins

less than 1 minute read

I was able to compleat the last bunch of GeoCoins tonight at VHS. These ones turned out better then the first two batches. I sanded the surface of the coins ...

More GeoCoins designs

less than 1 minute read

Made some more GeoCoins, This time i have included the inkscape source file for your reference.

More GeoCoins tests

less than 1 minute read

I made some more demo GeoCoins on VHS’s laser cutter. It took creating about ~25 coins to get the settings just right.

Look what I made - Compass table

less than 1 minute read

This year for the Vancouver Maker Faire I build a Compass table that I found on I found a cheap price on 1000x compasses from ...

Crowdfund the Rygo

less than 1 minute read

Help us create the biggest 3D print in North America, designed by Bathsheba Grossman, printed by the DShape and installed at Gropp’s Gallery of Vancouver

Where does this IP Address come from

less than 1 minute read

A few days ago I was asked to find out where or close to where a user of ours was coming from. so i created this GEO location script Where does this IP Addre...

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Idea 100 plus

less than 1 minute read

All the rest of the ideas that did not make the cut

Idea 089 - Wheres Wren?

2 minute read

A Wheres Waldo hunt and search photo book that teaches people how to ID local species of birds.

Idea 064 - Inflatable crowd

less than 1 minute read

A crowd of mini wacky inflatable arm man (Air Dancers) in a matrix controlled by sound

Idea 058 - In a million parts

8 minute read

Transformative art series based on quotable lines from books, movies, or songs. Nnamdi Brat as Blown ink and watercolor paintings

Idea 057 - Movie Mogul Mania

2 minute read

A fantasy movie league where players draft actors and films to earn points based on award nominations and wins, box office sales, and other movie statistics

Idea 039 - Growth a game

5 minute read

A game where you start as the smallest living thing, then grow and evolve depending on what actions you do the most

Idea 030 - Chatbot Journaling

2 minute read

A chatbot that gives you writing prompts for daily journaling. Ask follow up questions for clarity. Builds a web of knowledge about you and gives feedback

Idea 029 - SproutSwipe

3 minute read

Use cell phone sensors to create a filtered list of suitable plants for a space then show the plants using Augmented Reality. Dating app for plants

Idea 028 - Finite Future Clock

4 minute read

Experience the passage of time in a new light with our death clock a stunning LED panel that visualizes the preciousness of life as it counts down Serves as ...

Idea 024 - Call to Adventure

1 minute read

A mystery letter is delivered filled with puzzles that need to be solved in order to give directions to a meeting place for the start of an adventure.

Idea 019 - Big Red Button

2 minute read

Create a series of buttons with labels, install them around the city, see what ones get pushed most

Idea 015 - AI Create your own story book

1 minute read

AI generated a personalized story book that incorporates information that you provide, following the common story types. Hero’s journey, etc, made for kids

Idea 014 - AI Pictionary

1 minute read

Like, Pictionary but an AI draws the picture and you try and guess the prompt that was used to generate the picture

Idea 008 - Reconnect a postcard project

2 minute read

People are disconnected more than ever and need a reason to reconnect with each other. Create a series of postcards and send packs of them to friends and fam...

Idea 007 - Emoji Macro Pad Keyboard

2 minute read

A macro pad keyboard with most commonly used Emoji as key caps for quick access when you want to respond to a message with an iconography

Idea 005 - Scream Photo Booth

1 minute read

A photo booth where the camera is only triggered when you scream loud enough. Producing a photo with real emotions

Idea 003 - PCB Art of Every Mammal in BC

3 minute read

A series of PCB art badges, one for each mammal in BC. Each badge has a small sensor and some LEDs that relate to the mammal. Make a limited edition series o...

Idea 002 - Keyboard Flute

3 minute read

Electronic Flute PCB - A product for music lovers and DIY enthusiasts alike. This PCB is designed to be a customizable electronic flute that uses a tiny mems...

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Idea 089 - Wheres Wren?

2 minute read

A Wheres Waldo hunt and search photo book that teaches people how to ID local species of birds.

Idea 064 - Inflatable crowd

less than 1 minute read

A crowd of mini wacky inflatable arm man (Air Dancers) in a matrix controlled by sound

Idea 058 - In a million parts

8 minute read

Transformative art series based on quotable lines from books, movies, or songs. Nnamdi Brat as Blown ink and watercolor paintings

Idea 019 - Big Red Button

2 minute read

Create a series of buttons with labels, install them around the city, see what ones get pushed most

Idea 015 - AI Create your own story book

1 minute read

AI generated a personalized story book that incorporates information that you provide, following the common story types. Hero’s journey, etc, made for kids

Idea 014 - AI Pictionary

1 minute read

Like, Pictionary but an AI draws the picture and you try and guess the prompt that was used to generate the picture

Idea 008 - Reconnect a postcard project

2 minute read

People are disconnected more than ever and need a reason to reconnect with each other. Create a series of postcards and send packs of them to friends and fam...

Samsung The Frame TV art

less than 1 minute read

I created a Gallery of AI/ML generated artwork for the The Samsung ‘The Frame’ TV. All the artwork in this gallery was generated by me using Mid Journey and ...

Nov 2018 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017 ). (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for ...

May 2018 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post (Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017 ). (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer o...

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Laser cut Mario coin boxes

less than 1 minute read

This week I made Mario Mystery boxes, piggy banks for my nephews upcoming Mario themed birthday party. He invited 30 kits to his party and I wanted to make o...

Designing Acrylic Christmas Ornaments

less than 1 minute read

Today I designed a Christmas ornaments that I am planning on cutting on VHS’s laser cutter. The white sections will be cut first, followed by the red, leavin...

Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

Host gator has bad security and sucks.

1 minute read

I had a bad experience with HostGator the other day. I had forgot the password to HostGators billing system and went though their password recovery function....

NiceDog nano php web framework

1 minute read

Last week I started on a simple web app that only has three pages. After I got the prototype working I wanted to clean up the code and switch over to using a...

Wordpress Post via email (wp-mail.php)

1 minute read

For the last few years I have used a plugin called postie that would let me email automated posts to my blog and they would automatically get posted for me. ...

RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

Status update Feb 15

1 minute read

Ray Gun Revival has been launched. We sent out 8k unsolicited email newsletter to anyone that had anything to do with the old site and only ~50 people foll...

Arduino + Maxsonar EZ1 + Processing

less than 1 minute read

After resolving my user error with the Maxsonar EZ1 with the help of Bob Gross I moved on to visulizing the data captured. Captuing the output of from the Ar...

ARDUINO and MaxSonar EZ1

2 minute read

Update: 13 July 2009, Resolved with the help of Bob Gross. User error see notes below.

Troubleshooting CakePHP

less than 1 minute read

I"m just starting to learn CakePHP 1.2 and I am running in to small little problems. As I find solutions I write them down so people after me might have...

How to block spam on a wordpress Blog

less than 1 minute read

To help stop spam activate the Akismet plugin. Login to your wordpress blog On the right hand side there is a pugin button, click it Activate Akismet plu...


2 minute read

A CAPTCHA is a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer. You've probably seen them €” colorful images with distorted text at the bot...


2 minute read

A CAPTCHA is a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer. You've probably seen them €” colorful images with distorted text at the bot...

Where does this IP Address come from

less than 1 minute read

A few days ago I was asked to find out where or close to where a user of ours was coming from. so i created this GEO location script Where does this IP Addre...

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Idea 003 - PCB Art of Every Mammal in BC

3 minute read

A series of PCB art badges, one for each mammal in BC. Each badge has a small sensor and some LEDs that relate to the mammal. Make a limited edition series o...

Idea 002 - Keyboard Flute

3 minute read

Electronic Flute PCB - A product for music lovers and DIY enthusiasts alike. This PCB is designed to be a customizable electronic flute that uses a tiny mems...

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Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

I visited Hacklab hackerspace

less than 1 minute read

While visiting Toronto I was able to make it down to Hacklab.To and get a tour of their space.

I visited NYC Resistor hackspace

less than 1 minute read

While in New York to see World Maker Faire, I got a chance to see the NY Resistor hackspace. It was a quite night as most people where still tired from there...

RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

Status update Feb 15

1 minute read

Ray Gun Revival has been launched. We sent out 8k unsolicited email newsletter to anyone that had anything to do with the old site and only ~50 people foll...

internet robot zombies

2 minute read

If you run a website that has a contacts form or any other input from users. sooner or later you will start getting attacked by internet robot zombies. What...

Testing writing from Windows Live Writer

1 minute read

Push for web apps Currently there is a real push for everything to work in a browser, thin clients. For example; Email, Word processors (like Google doc...

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

The last batch of GeoCoins

less than 1 minute read

I was able to compleat the last bunch of GeoCoins tonight at VHS. These ones turned out better then the first two batches. I sanded the surface of the coins ...

More GeoCoins designs

less than 1 minute read

Made some more GeoCoins, This time i have included the inkscape source file for your reference.

More GeoCoins tests

less than 1 minute read

I made some more demo GeoCoins on VHS’s laser cutter. It took creating about ~25 coins to get the settings just right.

RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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Jun 2019 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Feb 2019, May...

Paper cut furniture using SketchChair

less than 1 minute read

I found SketchChair while looking for CNC related projects on Kickstarter. It is an open source application that you can use to draw chairs and output the de...

Laser cut Frabjous

less than 1 minute read

I laser cut this object sesigned by George W. Hart as a gift for my mother for xmas this year.I got the original design from Thingiverse, made for 4mm ply wo...

Laser cut Mario coin boxes

less than 1 minute read

This week I made Mario Mystery boxes, piggy banks for my nephews upcoming Mario themed birthday party. He invited 30 kits to his party and I wanted to make o...

Designing Acrylic Christmas Ornaments

less than 1 minute read

Today I designed a Christmas ornaments that I am planning on cutting on VHS’s laser cutter. The white sections will be cut first, followed by the red, leavin...

Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

The last batch of GeoCoins

less than 1 minute read

I was able to compleat the last bunch of GeoCoins tonight at VHS. These ones turned out better then the first two batches. I sanded the surface of the coins ...

More GeoCoins designs

less than 1 minute read

Made some more GeoCoins, This time i have included the inkscape source file for your reference.

More GeoCoins tests

less than 1 minute read

I made some more demo GeoCoins on VHS’s laser cutter. It took creating about ~25 coins to get the settings just right.

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NiceDog nano php web framework

1 minute read

Last week I started on a simple web app that only has three pages. After I got the prototype working I wanted to clean up the code and switch over to using a...

PHP email template

less than 1 minute read

When I create a PHP script that has to send an email to a user I tend to use a template file for the body of the email. I load the template file in to the sc...

internet robot zombies

2 minute read

If you run a website that has a contacts form or any other input from users. sooner or later you will start getting attacked by internet robot zombies. What...

Dump a CListCtrl

less than 1 minute read

This snippet dumps the content of a CListCtrl in to a file. It also gets the number of columns in the list.   <blockquote> <p>int GetColumnsC...

Troubleshooting CakePHP

less than 1 minute read

I"m just starting to learn CakePHP 1.2 and I am running in to small little problems. As I find solutions I write them down so people after me might have...

Testing writing from Windows Live Writer

1 minute read

Push for web apps Currently there is a real push for everything to work in a browser, thin clients. For example; Email, Word processors (like Google doc...

NSIS - Tips

1 minute read

I create a lot of windows application to make things easier for my customers. The simple act of coping a file from an email to a certain directory can become...

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action - Teeth

1 minute read

I have been accepted in to “the 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action” art show in Vancouver. The show will be at Hot Art Wet City Pop Up Gallery (752 E Broadway) o...

Crowdfund the Rygo

less than 1 minute read

Help us create the biggest 3D print in North America, designed by Bathsheba Grossman, printed by the DShape and installed at Gropp’s Gallery of Vancouver

Status update Feb 15

1 minute read

Ray Gun Revival has been launched. We sent out 8k unsolicited email newsletter to anyone that had anything to do with the old site and only ~50 people foll...

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Idea 064 - Inflatable crowd

less than 1 minute read

A crowd of mini wacky inflatable arm man (Air Dancers) in a matrix controlled by sound

Idea 019 - Big Red Button

2 minute read

Create a series of buttons with labels, install them around the city, see what ones get pushed most

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

Status update Feb 15

1 minute read

Ray Gun Revival has been launched. We sent out 8k unsolicited email newsletter to anyone that had anything to do with the old site and only ~50 people foll...

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Laser cut 4 pack beer carrier

less than 1 minute read

I created three of these 4pack beer carriers for a few friends of mine. I don’t really like the design as the “finger grooves” cut in to your skin when you a...

Laser cut Frabjous

less than 1 minute read

I laser cut this object sesigned by George W. Hart as a gift for my mother for xmas this year.I got the original design from Thingiverse, made for 4mm ply wo...

The Giant Claw Game! - The Claw, Prototype 2

less than 1 minute read

This is the second prototype of the claw. I really liked the claw design by Marc Cryan that I found on but I wanted it to have three prongs...

Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

The last batch of GeoCoins

less than 1 minute read

I was able to compleat the last bunch of GeoCoins tonight at VHS. These ones turned out better then the first two batches. I sanded the surface of the coins ...

More GeoCoins designs

less than 1 minute read

Made some more GeoCoins, This time i have included the inkscape source file for your reference.

More GeoCoins tests

less than 1 minute read

I made some more demo GeoCoins on VHS’s laser cutter. It took creating about ~25 coins to get the settings just right.

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Laser cut Frabjous

less than 1 minute read

I laser cut this object sesigned by George W. Hart as a gift for my mother for xmas this year.I got the original design from Thingiverse, made for 4mm ply wo...

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Feb 2019 brain dump

3 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. Previous: Nov 2018, (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a know...

RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

Status update Feb 15

1 minute read

Ray Gun Revival has been launched. We sent out 8k unsolicited email newsletter to anyone that had anything to do with the old site and only ~50 people foll...

Why dont we have free phones yet?

4 minute read

"Re:Should be" by canajin56 (660655) on Wednesday December 16, @12:21PM (#30459990) At least you guys have a choice of providers. Here in Canada, we almost h...

Arduino + Maxsonar EZ1 + Processing

less than 1 minute read

After resolving my user error with the Maxsonar EZ1 with the help of Bob Gross I moved on to visulizing the data captured. Captuing the output of from the Ar...

ARDUINO and MaxSonar EZ1

2 minute read

Update: 13 July 2009, Resolved with the help of Bob Gross. User error see notes below.

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Jun 2019 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Feb 2019, May...

The Giant Claw Game! - The Claw, Prototype 2

less than 1 minute read

This is the second prototype of the claw. I really liked the claw design by Marc Cryan that I found on but I wanted it to have three prongs...

Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

Settlers of Catan: Tricks and Tactics

5 minute read

Settlers of Catan is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It was first published in 1995 in Germany by Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmb H & Co. (...

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Idea 003 - PCB Art of Every Mammal in BC

3 minute read

A series of PCB art badges, one for each mammal in BC. Each badge has a small sensor and some LEDs that relate to the mammal. Make a limited edition series o...

Idea 002 - Keyboard Flute

3 minute read

Electronic Flute PCB - A product for music lovers and DIY enthusiasts alike. This PCB is designed to be a customizable electronic flute that uses a tiny mems...

RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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Laser cut Mario coin boxes

less than 1 minute read

This week I made Mario Mystery boxes, piggy banks for my nephews upcoming Mario themed birthday party. He invited 30 kits to his party and I wanted to make o...

Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

The last batch of GeoCoins

less than 1 minute read

I was able to compleat the last bunch of GeoCoins tonight at VHS. These ones turned out better then the first two batches. I sanded the surface of the coins ...

More GeoCoins designs

less than 1 minute read

Made some more GeoCoins, This time i have included the inkscape source file for your reference.

More GeoCoins tests

less than 1 minute read

I made some more demo GeoCoins on VHS’s laser cutter. It took creating about ~25 coins to get the settings just right.

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Idea 015 - AI Create your own story book

1 minute read

AI generated a personalized story book that incorporates information that you provide, following the common story types. Hero’s journey, etc, made for kids

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Idea 057 - Movie Mogul Mania

2 minute read

A fantasy movie league where players draft actors and films to earn points based on award nominations and wins, box office sales, and other movie statistics

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Laser cut Mario coin boxes

less than 1 minute read

This week I made Mario Mystery boxes, piggy banks for my nephews upcoming Mario themed birthday party. He invited 30 kits to his party and I wanted to make o...

The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action - Teeth

1 minute read

I have been accepted in to “the 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action” art show in Vancouver. The show will be at Hot Art Wet City Pop Up Gallery (752 E Broadway) o...

Flower plug

less than 1 minute read

The flower plug was designed to allow the user to know when the bath water was just the right temperature by changing color from a light pink to a beautiful ...

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Dump a CListCtrl

less than 1 minute read

This snippet dumps the content of a CListCtrl in to a file. It also gets the number of columns in the list.   <blockquote> <p>int GetColumnsC...

NSIS - Tips

1 minute read

I create a lot of windows application to make things easier for my customers. The simple act of coping a file from an email to a certain directory can become...


less than 1 minute read

For the poor SOB that are still using Visual studios 6, I have uploaded a copy of the service pack 6 to my website for reference. Feel free to download it, y...

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PHP email template

less than 1 minute read

When I create a PHP script that has to send an email to a user I tend to use a template file for the body of the email. I load the template file in to the sc...

Dump a CListCtrl

less than 1 minute read

This snippet dumps the content of a CListCtrl in to a file. It also gets the number of columns in the list.   <blockquote> <p>int GetColumnsC...

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The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action - Teeth

1 minute read

I have been accepted in to “the 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action” art show in Vancouver. The show will be at Hot Art Wet City Pop Up Gallery (752 E Broadway) o...

Translink sucks in Vancouver

less than 1 minute read

This will mark my 25th complaint sent to translink contact us forum this year. That’s  more then >3 a month every single month. Incident: The #2568 bus @1...

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Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

The last batch of GeoCoins

less than 1 minute read

I was able to compleat the last bunch of GeoCoins tonight at VHS. These ones turned out better then the first two batches. I sanded the surface of the coins ...

More GeoCoins designs

less than 1 minute read

Made some more GeoCoins, This time i have included the inkscape source file for your reference.

More GeoCoins tests

less than 1 minute read

I made some more demo GeoCoins on VHS’s laser cutter. It took creating about ~25 coins to get the settings just right.

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Idea 057 - Movie Mogul Mania

2 minute read

A fantasy movie league where players draft actors and films to earn points based on award nominations and wins, box office sales, and other movie statistics

Year in review 2021

11 minute read

It’s been another unusual year with the continued global COVID pandemic, less eventful than 2020 but overall good. I found a new hobby that makes me happy, c...

Nov 2018 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017 ). (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for ...

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Trip to Shenzhen 2018

1 minute read

I got to spend two days in Shenzhen at the tail end of a vacation. I love hitting up the markets in Huaqiang Road. Makers paradise. Below is a list of the th...

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Idea 039 - Growth a game

5 minute read

A game where you start as the smallest living thing, then grow and evolve depending on what actions you do the most

Online group games

1 minute read

With everyone saying home because of COVID-19, me and my friends have been playing a lot of boardgames online. Below is a list of games that people can play ...

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NiceDog nano php web framework

1 minute read

Last week I started on a simple web app that only has three pages. After I got the prototype working I wanted to clean up the code and switch over to using a...

Wordpress Post via email (wp-mail.php)

1 minute read

For the last few years I have used a plugin called postie that would let me email automated posts to my blog and they would automatically get posted for me. ...

PHP email template

less than 1 minute read

When I create a PHP script that has to send an email to a user I tend to use a template file for the body of the email. I load the template file in to the sc...

Troubleshooting CakePHP

less than 1 minute read

I"m just starting to learn CakePHP 1.2 and I am running in to small little problems. As I find solutions I write them down so people after me might have...

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Status update Feb 15

1 minute read

Ray Gun Revival has been launched. We sent out 8k unsolicited email newsletter to anyone that had anything to do with the old site and only ~50 people foll...

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Jun 2019 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Feb 2019, May...

Feb 2019 brain dump

3 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. Previous: Nov 2018, (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a know...

The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action - Teeth

1 minute read

I have been accepted in to “the 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action” art show in Vancouver. The show will be at Hot Art Wet City Pop Up Gallery (752 E Broadway) o...

Crowdfund the Rygo

less than 1 minute read

Help us create the biggest 3D print in North America, designed by Bathsheba Grossman, printed by the DShape and installed at Gropp’s Gallery of Vancouver

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Geo Caching with Wooden nickles

1 minute read

I recently went on a trip to New York for the World Maker Faire. My plan was to make a bunch of wooden nickles that resembled Geo Coins and put them in sever...

The last batch of GeoCoins

less than 1 minute read

I was able to compleat the last bunch of GeoCoins tonight at VHS. These ones turned out better then the first two batches. I sanded the surface of the coins ...

More GeoCoins designs

less than 1 minute read

Made some more GeoCoins, This time i have included the inkscape source file for your reference.

More GeoCoins tests

less than 1 minute read

I made some more demo GeoCoins on VHS’s laser cutter. It took creating about ~25 coins to get the settings just right.

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Trip to Shenzhen 2018

1 minute read

I got to spend two days in Shenzhen at the tail end of a vacation. I love hitting up the markets in Huaqiang Road. Makers paradise. Below is a list of the th...

I visited Hacklab hackerspace

less than 1 minute read

While visiting Toronto I was able to make it down to Hacklab.To and get a tour of their space.

I visited NYC Resistor hackspace

less than 1 minute read

While in New York to see World Maker Faire, I got a chance to see the NY Resistor hackspace. It was a quite night as most people where still tired from there...

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

Where does this IP Address come from

less than 1 minute read

A few days ago I was asked to find out where or close to where a user of ours was coming from. so i created this GEO location script Where does this IP Addre...

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

NiceDog nano php web framework

1 minute read

Last week I started on a simple web app that only has three pages. After I got the prototype working I wanted to clean up the code and switch over to using a...

Dump a CListCtrl

less than 1 minute read

This snippet dumps the content of a CListCtrl in to a file. It also gets the number of columns in the list.   <blockquote> <p>int GetColumnsC...

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CakePHP - Search bar

less than 1 minute read

This code snippet will create a search box that uses can use to search for text in the database. The control creates a query to search certain fields of publ...

Troubleshooting CakePHP

less than 1 minute read

I"m just starting to learn CakePHP 1.2 and I am running in to small little problems. As I find solutions I write them down so people after me might have...

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May 2018 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post (Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017 ). (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer o...

ARDUINO and MaxSonar EZ1

2 minute read

Update: 13 July 2009, Resolved with the help of Bob Gross. User error see notes below.

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Do not buy from Dell

9 minute read

Maybe you should not buy equipment from dell. This is my story and the reason that I will not buy from dell in the future.

Host gator has bad security and sucks.

1 minute read

I had a bad experience with HostGator the other day. I had forgot the password to HostGators billing system and went though their password recovery function....

Host gator has bad security and sucks.

1 minute read

I had a bad experience with HostGator the other day. I had forgot the password to HostGators billing system and went though their password recovery function....

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I visited NYC Resistor hackspace

less than 1 minute read

While in New York to see World Maker Faire, I got a chance to see the NY Resistor hackspace. It was a quite night as most people where still tired from there...

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Paper cut furniture using SketchChair

less than 1 minute read

I found SketchChair while looking for CNC related projects on Kickstarter. It is an open source application that you can use to draw chairs and output the de...

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Idea 089 - Wheres Wren?

2 minute read

A Wheres Waldo hunt and search photo book that teaches people how to ID local species of birds.

Year in review 2021

11 minute read

It’s been another unusual year with the continued global COVID pandemic, less eventful than 2020 but overall good. I found a new hobby that makes me happy, c...

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Daily Chess Puzzles

less than 1 minute read

I have created a script that generates a new chess puzzle from a database once a day. The puzzles can be email to you or you can subscribe via a RSS feed. ...

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

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NSIS - Tips

1 minute read

I create a lot of windows application to make things easier for my customers. The simple act of coping a file from an email to a certain directory can become...

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Wordpress Post via email (wp-mail.php)

1 minute read

For the last few years I have used a plugin called postie that would let me email automated posts to my blog and they would automatically get posted for me. ...

Testing writing from Windows Live Writer

1 minute read

Push for web apps Currently there is a real push for everything to work in a browser, thin clients. For example; Email, Word processors (like Google doc...

How to block spam on a wordpress Blog

less than 1 minute read

To help stop spam activate the Akismet plugin. Login to your wordpress blog On the right hand side there is a pugin button, click it Activate Akismet plu...

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Dump a CListCtrl

less than 1 minute read

This snippet dumps the content of a CListCtrl in to a file. It also gets the number of columns in the list.   <blockquote> <p>int GetColumnsC...

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The Movies

3 minute read

The movies is a really simple drinking game and is probably the first one I ever played. Find a movie and come up with reocurring things to look for; when yo...

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Look what I made - Compass table

less than 1 minute read

This year for the Vancouver Maker Faire I build a Compass table that I found on I found a cheap price on 1000x compasses from ...

RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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Host gator has bad security and sucks.

1 minute read

I had a bad experience with HostGator the other day. I had forgot the password to HostGators billing system and went though their password recovery function....

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Look what I made - Compass table

less than 1 minute read

This year for the Vancouver Maker Faire I build a Compass table that I found on I found a cheap price on 1000x compasses from ...

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Paper cut furniture using SketchChair

less than 1 minute read

I found SketchChair while looking for CNC related projects on Kickstarter. It is an open source application that you can use to draw chairs and output the de...

Look what I made - Compass table

less than 1 minute read

This year for the Vancouver Maker Faire I build a Compass table that I found on I found a cheap price on 1000x compasses from ...

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I visited Hacklab hackerspace

less than 1 minute read

While visiting Toronto I was able to make it down to Hacklab.To and get a tour of their space.

I visited NYC Resistor hackspace

less than 1 minute read

While in New York to see World Maker Faire, I got a chance to see the NY Resistor hackspace. It was a quite night as most people where still tired from there...

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I visited Hacklab hackerspace

less than 1 minute read

While visiting Toronto I was able to make it down to Hacklab.To and get a tour of their space.

I visited NYC Resistor hackspace

less than 1 minute read

While in New York to see World Maker Faire, I got a chance to see the NY Resistor hackspace. It was a quite night as most people where still tired from there...

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Nov 2018 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017 ). (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for ...

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Tools 2018

3 minute read

This is a snapshot of the tools that I was using in 2018. A more up-to-date version can be found on the tools and equipment page.

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February 2021 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes).

February 2020 brain dump

1 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Jun 2019, Fe...

January 2020 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Jun 2019, Fe...

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February 2020 brain dump

1 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Jun 2019, Fe...

January 2020 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Jun 2019, Fe...

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Year in review 2021

11 minute read

It’s been another unusual year with the continued global COVID pandemic, less eventful than 2020 but overall good. I found a new hobby that makes me happy, c...

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Idea 028 - Finite Future Clock

4 minute read

Experience the passage of time in a new light with our death clock a stunning LED panel that visualizes the preciousness of life as it counts down Serves as ...

Idea 007 - Emoji Macro Pad Keyboard

2 minute read

A macro pad keyboard with most commonly used Emoji as key caps for quick access when you want to respond to a message with an iconography

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Troubleshooting CakePHP

less than 1 minute read

I"m just starting to learn CakePHP 1.2 and I am running in to small little problems. As I find solutions I write them down so people after me might have...

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Dump a CListCtrl

less than 1 minute read

This snippet dumps the content of a CListCtrl in to a file. It also gets the number of columns in the list.   <blockquote> <p>int GetColumnsC...

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Arduino + Maxsonar EZ1 + Processing

less than 1 minute read

After resolving my user error with the Maxsonar EZ1 with the help of Bob Gross I moved on to visulizing the data captured. Captuing the output of from the Ar...

ARDUINO and MaxSonar EZ1

2 minute read

Update: 13 July 2009, Resolved with the help of Bob Gross. User error see notes below.

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PHP email template

less than 1 minute read

When I create a PHP script that has to send an email to a user I tend to use a template file for the body of the email. I load the template file in to the sc...

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Online group games

1 minute read

With everyone saying home because of COVID-19, me and my friends have been playing a lot of boardgames online. Below is a list of games that people can play ...

Settlers of Catan: Tricks and Tactics

5 minute read

Settlers of Catan is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It was first published in 1995 in Germany by Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmb H & Co. (...

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Snakes and Ladders

2 minute read

As a kid Snakes and Ladders never really appealed to me as it was a purely luck based game, but most of my childhood friends loved it because it was so simpl...

Settlers of Catan: Tricks and Tactics

5 minute read

Settlers of Catan is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It was first published in 1995 in Germany by Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmb H & Co. (...

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Wordpress Post via email (wp-mail.php)

1 minute read

For the last few years I have used a plugin called postie that would let me email automated posts to my blog and they would automatically get posted for me. ...

PHP email template

less than 1 minute read

When I create a PHP script that has to send an email to a user I tend to use a template file for the body of the email. I load the template file in to the sc...

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RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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Feb 2019 brain dump

3 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. Previous: Nov 2018, (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a know...

RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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Crowdfund the Rygo

less than 1 minute read

Help us create the biggest 3D print in North America, designed by Bathsheba Grossman, printed by the DShape and installed at Gropp’s Gallery of Vancouver

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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Paper cut furniture using SketchChair

less than 1 minute read

I found SketchChair while looking for CNC related projects on Kickstarter. It is an open source application that you can use to draw chairs and output the de...

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Host gator has bad security and sucks.

1 minute read

I had a bad experience with HostGator the other day. I had forgot the password to HostGators billing system and went though their password recovery function....

NiceDog nano php web framework

1 minute read

Last week I started on a simple web app that only has three pages. After I got the prototype working I wanted to clean up the code and switch over to using a...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Claw, Prototype 2

less than 1 minute read

This is the second prototype of the claw. I really liked the claw design by Marc Cryan that I found on but I wanted it to have three prongs...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Life tracking Jan 2014

1 minute read

This chart was generated with the help of Rescue Time. It looks like I’m more productive this month (58) than last month (53)

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Podcasts 2020

3 minute read

This is my updated podcast list for March 2020. My previous list from Feb 2019, Nov 2016.

Podcasts 2019

2 minute read

This is my updated podcast list for Feb 2019. My previous list from Nov 2016.

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February 2020 brain dump

1 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Jun 2019, Fe...

January 2020 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Jun 2019, Fe...

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Year in review 2021

11 minute read

It’s been another unusual year with the continued global COVID pandemic, less eventful than 2020 but overall good. I found a new hobby that makes me happy, c...

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Year in review 2021

11 minute read

It’s been another unusual year with the continued global COVID pandemic, less eventful than 2020 but overall good. I found a new hobby that makes me happy, c...

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Idea 002 - Keyboard Flute

3 minute read

Electronic Flute PCB - A product for music lovers and DIY enthusiasts alike. This PCB is designed to be a customizable electronic flute that uses a tiny mems...

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Idea 005 - Scream Photo Booth

1 minute read

A photo booth where the camera is only triggered when you scream loud enough. Producing a photo with real emotions

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Idea 008 - Reconnect a postcard project

2 minute read

People are disconnected more than ever and need a reason to reconnect with each other. Create a series of postcards and send packs of them to friends and fam...

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Idea 014 - AI Pictionary

1 minute read

Like, Pictionary but an AI draws the picture and you try and guess the prompt that was used to generate the picture

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Idea 089 - Wheres Wren?

2 minute read

A Wheres Waldo hunt and search photo book that teaches people how to ID local species of birds.

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Idea 030 - Chatbot Journaling

2 minute read

A chatbot that gives you writing prompts for daily journaling. Ask follow up questions for clarity. Builds a web of knowledge about you and gives feedback

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Where does this IP Address come from

less than 1 minute read

A few days ago I was asked to find out where or close to where a user of ours was coming from. so i created this GEO location script Where does this IP Addre...

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Where does this IP Address come from

less than 1 minute read

A few days ago I was asked to find out where or close to where a user of ours was coming from. so i created this GEO location script Where does this IP Addre...

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Flower plug

less than 1 minute read

The flower plug was designed to allow the user to know when the bath water was just the right temperature by changing color from a light pink to a beautiful ...

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less than 1 minute read

For the poor SOB that are still using Visual studios 6, I have uploaded a copy of the service pack 6 to my website for reference. Feel free to download it, y...

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2 minute read

A CAPTCHA is a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer. You've probably seen them €” colorful images with distorted text at the bot...

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2 minute read

A CAPTCHA is a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer. You've probably seen them €” colorful images with distorted text at the bot...

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2 minute read

A CAPTCHA is a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer. You've probably seen them €” colorful images with distorted text at the bot...

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NSIS - Tips

1 minute read

I create a lot of windows application to make things easier for my customers. The simple act of coping a file from an email to a certain directory can become...

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NSIS - Tips

1 minute read

I create a lot of windows application to make things easier for my customers. The simple act of coping a file from an email to a certain directory can become...

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How to block spam on a wordpress Blog

less than 1 minute read

To help stop spam activate the Akismet plugin. Login to your wordpress blog On the right hand side there is a pugin button, click it Activate Akismet plu...

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How to block spam on a wordpress Blog

less than 1 minute read

To help stop spam activate the Akismet plugin. Login to your wordpress blog On the right hand side there is a pugin button, click it Activate Akismet plu...

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Testing writing from Windows Live Writer

1 minute read

Push for web apps Currently there is a real push for everything to work in a browser, thin clients. For example; Email, Word processors (like Google doc...

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Testing writing from Windows Live Writer

1 minute read

Push for web apps Currently there is a real push for everything to work in a browser, thin clients. For example; Email, Word processors (like Google doc...

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Testing writing from Windows Live Writer

1 minute read

Push for web apps Currently there is a real push for everything to work in a browser, thin clients. For example; Email, Word processors (like Google doc...

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internet robot zombies

2 minute read

If you run a website that has a contacts form or any other input from users. sooner or later you will start getting attacked by internet robot zombies. What...

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internet robot zombies

2 minute read

If you run a website that has a contacts form or any other input from users. sooner or later you will start getting attacked by internet robot zombies. What...

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ARDUINO and MaxSonar EZ1

2 minute read

Update: 13 July 2009, Resolved with the help of Bob Gross. User error see notes below.

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ARDUINO and MaxSonar EZ1

2 minute read

Update: 13 July 2009, Resolved with the help of Bob Gross. User error see notes below.

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ARDUINO and MaxSonar EZ1

2 minute read

Update: 13 July 2009, Resolved with the help of Bob Gross. User error see notes below.

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Arduino + Maxsonar EZ1 + Processing

less than 1 minute read

After resolving my user error with the Maxsonar EZ1 with the help of Bob Gross I moved on to visulizing the data captured. Captuing the output of from the Ar...

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Arduino + Maxsonar EZ1 + Processing

less than 1 minute read

After resolving my user error with the Maxsonar EZ1 with the help of Bob Gross I moved on to visulizing the data captured. Captuing the output of from the Ar...

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Arduino + Maxsonar EZ1 + Processing

less than 1 minute read

After resolving my user error with the Maxsonar EZ1 with the help of Bob Gross I moved on to visulizing the data captured. Captuing the output of from the Ar...

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Arduino + Maxsonar EZ1 + Processing

less than 1 minute read

After resolving my user error with the Maxsonar EZ1 with the help of Bob Gross I moved on to visulizing the data captured. Captuing the output of from the Ar...

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Why dont we have free phones yet?

4 minute read

"Re:Should be" by canajin56 (660655) on Wednesday December 16, @12:21PM (#30459990) At least you guys have a choice of providers. Here in Canada, we almost h...

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Why dont we have free phones yet?

4 minute read

"Re:Should be" by canajin56 (660655) on Wednesday December 16, @12:21PM (#30459990) At least you guys have a choice of providers. Here in Canada, we almost h...

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Why dont we have free phones yet?

4 minute read

"Re:Should be" by canajin56 (660655) on Wednesday December 16, @12:21PM (#30459990) At least you guys have a choice of providers. Here in Canada, we almost h...

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Why dont we have free phones yet?

4 minute read

"Re:Should be" by canajin56 (660655) on Wednesday December 16, @12:21PM (#30459990) At least you guys have a choice of providers. Here in Canada, we almost h...

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Why dont we have free phones yet?

4 minute read

"Re:Should be" by canajin56 (660655) on Wednesday December 16, @12:21PM (#30459990) At least you guys have a choice of providers. Here in Canada, we almost h...

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Settlers of Catan: Tricks and Tactics

5 minute read

Settlers of Catan is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It was first published in 1995 in Germany by Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmb H & Co. (...

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Settlers of Catan: Tricks and Tactics

5 minute read

Settlers of Catan is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It was first published in 1995 in Germany by Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmb H & Co. (...

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Settlers of Catan: Tricks and Tactics

5 minute read

Settlers of Catan is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It was first published in 1995 in Germany by Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmb H & Co. (...

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Butter fried bacon wrapped filet Mignon

less than 1 minute read

In response to a friends post about buttersteak-mignon and his harassment about my not cooking any more I decided to construct the most delicious steak ever ...

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Butter fried bacon wrapped filet Mignon

less than 1 minute read

In response to a friends post about buttersteak-mignon and his harassment about my not cooking any more I decided to construct the most delicious steak ever ...

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Butter fried bacon wrapped filet Mignon

less than 1 minute read

In response to a friends post about buttersteak-mignon and his harassment about my not cooking any more I decided to construct the most delicious steak ever ...

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Butter fried bacon wrapped filet Mignon

less than 1 minute read

In response to a friends post about buttersteak-mignon and his harassment about my not cooking any more I decided to construct the most delicious steak ever ...

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Butter fried bacon wrapped filet Mignon

less than 1 minute read

In response to a friends post about buttersteak-mignon and his harassment about my not cooking any more I decided to construct the most delicious steak ever ...

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Butter fried bacon wrapped filet Mignon

less than 1 minute read

In response to a friends post about buttersteak-mignon and his harassment about my not cooking any more I decided to construct the most delicious steak ever ...

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Interesting News

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Snakes and Ladders

2 minute read

As a kid Snakes and Ladders never really appealed to me as it was a purely luck based game, but most of my childhood friends loved it because it was so simpl...

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Ten Pins

less than 1 minute read

Ten Pins is a dice version of 10 pin bowling.

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1 minute read

Twenty Six is a dice game. This is a banking game that was popular in the Midwest USA between the 1930s and 1950s. It was often played in taverns, which wou...

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UnderOver 7

less than 1 minute read

UnderOver 7 is a dice game. One of the simplest dice betting games there is.  The only thing that I can think of that is simpler is Hi Low.

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RGB LED POV Globe - Research

5 minute read

I have decided to create a 64x RGB LED POV Globe for Maker faire and Buring man this year. This project is a factor more complex then any other project that ...

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Crowdfund the Rygo

less than 1 minute read

Help us create the biggest 3D print in North America, designed by Bathsheba Grossman, printed by the DShape and installed at Gropp’s Gallery of Vancouver

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Crowdfund the Rygo

less than 1 minute read

Help us create the biggest 3D print in North America, designed by Bathsheba Grossman, printed by the DShape and installed at Gropp’s Gallery of Vancouver

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Crowdfund the Rygo

less than 1 minute read

Help us create the biggest 3D print in North America, designed by Bathsheba Grossman, printed by the DShape and installed at Gropp’s Gallery of Vancouver

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Canada, Rants, scams, Vancouver

Rental Guide are bad people, and suck.

1 minute read

Me and my girlfriend where looking for a new place. She was searching for ads and came across a “Rental Guide” ad, and contacted t...

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NiceDog nano php web framework

1 minute read

Last week I started on a simple web app that only has three pages. After I got the prototype working I wanted to clean up the code and switch over to using a...

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NiceDog nano php web framework

1 minute read

Last week I started on a simple web app that only has three pages. After I got the prototype working I wanted to clean up the code and switch over to using a...

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NiceDog nano php web framework

1 minute read

Last week I started on a simple web app that only has three pages. After I got the prototype working I wanted to clean up the code and switch over to using a...

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Host gator has bad security and sucks.

1 minute read

I had a bad experience with HostGator the other day. I had forgot the password to HostGators billing system and went though their password recovery function....

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Host gator has bad security and sucks.

1 minute read

I had a bad experience with HostGator the other day. I had forgot the password to HostGators billing system and went though their password recovery function....

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Host gator has bad security and sucks.

1 minute read

I had a bad experience with HostGator the other day. I had forgot the password to HostGators billing system and went though their password recovery function....

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Look what I made - Compass table

less than 1 minute read

This year for the Vancouver Maker Faire I build a Compass table that I found on I found a cheap price on 1000x compasses from ...

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LaserCutter- LaserCuter

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The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action - Teeth

1 minute read

I have been accepted in to “the 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action” art show in Vancouver. The show will be at Hot Art Wet City Pop Up Gallery (752 E Broadway) o...

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The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action - Teeth

1 minute read

I have been accepted in to “the 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action” art show in Vancouver. The show will be at Hot Art Wet City Pop Up Gallery (752 E Broadway) o...

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

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Programming Competition Prisoners Dilemma

1 minute read

I have been trying to think of a simple programming competition that we can run at the next SHHH (Super Happy Hacker House) at the Vancouver Hackspace.

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Designing Acrylic Christmas Ornaments

less than 1 minute read

Today I designed a Christmas ornaments that I am planning on cutting on VHS’s laser cutter. The white sections will be cut first, followed by the red, leavin...

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Designing Acrylic Christmas Ornaments

less than 1 minute read

Today I designed a Christmas ornaments that I am planning on cutting on VHS’s laser cutter. The white sections will be cut first, followed by the red, leavin...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Claw, Prototype 2

less than 1 minute read

This is the second prototype of the claw. I really liked the claw design by Marc Cryan that I found on but I wanted it to have three prongs...

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claw game

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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The Giant Claw Game! - The Controls System

2 minute read

Only two weeks left to get the Claw up and running ready for Breaker Faire the Maker Faire fund raiser party. I am starting to get worried that I might not g...

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Laser cut Mario coin boxes

less than 1 minute read

This week I made Mario Mystery boxes, piggy banks for my nephews upcoming Mario themed birthday party. He invited 30 kits to his party and I wanted to make o...

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Laser cut Mario coin boxes

less than 1 minute read

This week I made Mario Mystery boxes, piggy banks for my nephews upcoming Mario themed birthday party. He invited 30 kits to his party and I wanted to make o...

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Laser cut Mario coin boxes

less than 1 minute read

This week I made Mario Mystery boxes, piggy banks for my nephews upcoming Mario themed birthday party. He invited 30 kits to his party and I wanted to make o...

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Laser cut 4 pack beer carrier

less than 1 minute read

I created three of these 4pack beer carriers for a few friends of mine. I don’t really like the design as the “finger grooves” cut in to your skin when you a...

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LaserCutter- LaserCutter

Laser cut 4 pack beer carrier

less than 1 minute read

I created three of these 4pack beer carriers for a few friends of mine. I don’t really like the design as the “finger grooves” cut in to your skin when you a...

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Paper cut furniture using SketchChair

less than 1 minute read

I found SketchChair while looking for CNC related projects on Kickstarter. It is an open source application that you can use to draw chairs and output the de...

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May 2018 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post (Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017 ). (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer o...

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May 2018 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post (Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017 ). (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer o...

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Nov 2018 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017 ). (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for ...

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Trip to Shenzhen 2018

1 minute read

I got to spend two days in Shenzhen at the tail end of a vacation. I love hitting up the markets in Huaqiang Road. Makers paradise. Below is a list of the th...

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Feb 2019 brain dump

3 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. Previous: Nov 2018, (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a know...

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Feb 2019 brain dump

3 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. Previous: Nov 2018, (May 2018, Jan 2018, May 2017, April 2017, March 2017. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a know...

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Jun 2019 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Feb 2019, May...

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Jun 2019 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Feb 2019, May...

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Jun 2019 brain dump

4 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes). Previous: Feb 2019, May...

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February 2021 brain dump

2 minute read

Yet another brain dump post. (brain dump: snapshot of the internal state of a knowledge database for transfer or archiving purposes).

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Birding in Vancouver

less than 1 minute read

Since the start of 2021 I have gotten really into birding. I am very new to this hobbie less then a year.

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Samsung The Frame TV art

less than 1 minute read

I created a Gallery of AI/ML generated artwork for the The Samsung ‘The Frame’ TV. All the artwork in this gallery was generated by me using Mid Journey and ...

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Idea 003 - PCB Art of Every Mammal in BC

3 minute read

A series of PCB art badges, one for each mammal in BC. Each badge has a small sensor and some LEDs that relate to the mammal. Make a limited edition series o...

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Idea 007 - Emoji Macro Pad Keyboard

2 minute read

A macro pad keyboard with most commonly used Emoji as key caps for quick access when you want to respond to a message with an iconography

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Idea 015 - AI Create your own story book

1 minute read

AI generated a personalized story book that incorporates information that you provide, following the common story types. Hero’s journey, etc, made for kids

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Idea 024 - Call to Adventure

1 minute read

A mystery letter is delivered filled with puzzles that need to be solved in order to give directions to a meeting place for the start of an adventure.

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Idea 024 - Call to Adventure

1 minute read

A mystery letter is delivered filled with puzzles that need to be solved in order to give directions to a meeting place for the start of an adventure.

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Idea 029 - SproutSwipe

3 minute read

Use cell phone sensors to create a filtered list of suitable plants for a space then show the plants using Augmented Reality. Dating app for plants

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Idea 029 - SproutSwipe

3 minute read

Use cell phone sensors to create a filtered list of suitable plants for a space then show the plants using Augmented Reality. Dating app for plants

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Idea 029 - SproutSwipe

3 minute read

Use cell phone sensors to create a filtered list of suitable plants for a space then show the plants using Augmented Reality. Dating app for plants

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Idea 058 - In a million parts

8 minute read

Transformative art series based on quotable lines from books, movies, or songs. Nnamdi Brat as Blown ink and watercolor paintings

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