Idea 090 - Dead Bug electronic circuits jigs

1 minute read

This post is part of the 100 project ideas project. #The100DayProject. I am looking for feedback. Comment below or DM me via social media Instagram, Twitter.

One Line Pitch

Create a series of 3D printed jigs for making exploded electronic circuits without PCBs


mohit-bhoiteI have always liked the look of “dead bug” (Free form circuits, point to point) electronic circuits. They take a lot of patience and planning to create. A 3D printed jig helps a lot with the construction and angles of the parts. There are not a lot of good 3D printed jigs files available publicly.

Make a series of these “dead bug” electronic circuits each with a 3D printed jig to help with the construction. Publish tutorials to Instructables to win contests.

For projects

  • Timer that looks like an hourglass, that you flip to start. Sand hourglass. Button to change the time increments. Default 5 mins
  • UV meter that detects sound and shows the sound levels with LEDs
  • Solar powered, solar tracking flower that follows the sun to power itself.


Prior art


Electronics nerds

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