The Giant Claw Game! - Relay H-Bridge and Circuit Design

less than 1 minute read

Over the week I worked on the Relay H Bridge,  software and circuit diagrams for this project. Only 1 more week till it needs to be done.

Relay H Bridge 

After finding out that my L298 H Bridge was not powerful enough to operate my gantry motors last week, I switched over to use a Relay H Bridge. The advantages of using a relay instead of the L298 is that the relay can take a lot more current but the switching frequency is much slower (~40 hz)

1 0 Forward
0 1 Reverse
1 1 Motor stop
0 0 Motor stop

Relay H Bridge

Image source:

Circuit Design

I don’t have much experience with circuit design but I think this makes sense. I built it with and online circuit designer.

 big-claw-game circuit


Arduino Software

The code for the Arduino is pretty strait forward. Move the claw around until the fire button is pressed, then drop the claw and pick up a toy and bring it back to the start location. The source code for the The Giant Claw Game can be found on my GitHub account.







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