The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action - Teeth
I have been accepted in to “the 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action” art show in Vancouver. The show will be at Hot Art Wet City Pop Up Gallery (752 E Broadway) on Saturday October 27 from 8-11pm
The 9th Annual Hot One Inch Action in Vancouver! For one-night-only buy and trade the tiny art of fifty different local artists reproduced on one inch buttons. These limited edition buttons are displayed on the gallery wall and the audience is offered the opportunity to buy randomly selected buttons in mixed bags of five for $5. Didn"t get the button you want? Trade with the people around you€¦ how bad do you want that button?! That"s when the hot action starts.Close enough to Halloween to dress in costume too! Find all the details at Artists for the Vancouver show include: Aaron White, Adaryn Ko, Andrea Hooge, Ariane Khachatourians, Arinn Westendorf, Ash Tanasiychuk, Becky McEachern, Brenna Kanski, Cameron Steele, Carelle B. Dunn, Christina Norberg, Cindey Chiang, Colin Moore, Colleen Conroy, Dacosta!, Dana Bourgeois (Mr.Frosty), Danielle Mah, Doug Savage, Dusan Postolovic, Eileen Soo, Eleanor Rosenberg, Erica Wyngaards, esm-artificial, Frederick Cummings, Gayle Koyanagi, Heather Curtis, indy, J.L. Martin. Jeff Denomme, Jeff Speers, Jenn Brisson, Joel Rich, Joseph Taormina, Kate Newman, Katie McLellan, Kay Slater, Kel/Kel, Kevin Kimmett, Kim Kalanj, Kris G. Brownlee, Lauren Williamson, Lori Dean Dyment, Megan Majewski, Nicole Steen, Rhys Edwards, Soizick Meister, Stephanie Faye, Steven Smethurst, Tony Cliff, and Topher Wong. Shows also in Seattle, Portland and NYC Source:
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