Round The Clock

1 minute read

Round the Clock is a dice game.

What you need to play this game

  • 2 dice

Object of the game To be the first person to reach 12 o’clock

How to play the game Everyone starts at 1 o’clock. Each player tries to roll 1-12 (hours on the clock) in sequence. By either rolling the required amount on one of the die or by totaling the two dice to the required amount.

For example: If a player is on 1 o’clock, he has to roll 1 on one of the two dice since no other number can be added  to equal 1. If a player is on 6 o’clock, he can roll a 6 on one dice or adds both dice to equal six (3+3=6 or 2+4=6, etc).

Players continue to roll as long as they successfully roll the required amount.  The next time it’s their turn they start at the last number they left off at.

For numbers greater then 6 both dice will be needed to roll the required number.

Example game play Player one is on six and rolls both dice and gets 2,3 for a total of 5.  He failed to roll the required amount and passes the dice to player two. Player two is on four and rolls both dice and gets 4,6.  He rolled a 4 on one of the die and continues on to five. Player two is on five and rolls both dice and gets 5,2.  He rolled a 5 on one of the die and continues on to six. Player two is on six and rolls both dice and gets 2,4 for a total of 6 and continues on to seven. Player two is on seven and rolls both dice and gets 2,3 for a total of 5.  He failed to roll the required amount and passes the dice to player one. Player one is on six and rolls both dice and gets 5,1 for a total of 6 and continues on to six.

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