(2016) Blinky the Fox Head Mask
The design for the low polygon fox head mask came from @wintercroft Website. I laser cut the mask out of coroplast and glued a soft backing on the inside. The inspiration to cover the face of the mask with LEDs came from @Wow_elec_tron. He makes some of the most amazing LED masks that I have ever seen. His masks can be purchased from his Etsy store ElecDashTron.
Project source code files can be found in this github project BlinkyFoxHeadMask. Note the design files for the low polygon fox head mask are not open source.
- WS2812 LEDs 144/meter
- ESP8266 WeMos D1 mini
- coroplast
Laying out the LEDs
In this photo I am laying out where the LEDs go and how to connect them to each other.
Gluing/Soldering the LED strips to the mask
In this photo I am gluing the LED strip to the face of the mask then soldering them together with small bits of wire. As @wow_elec_tron suggested, using IDE cables instead of individual wires. It speeded the proccess up a lot.