
1 minute read

One O Five is a dice game.

What you need to play

  • 5 dice

Object of the game To roll a set of 5 of a kind for every number from 1-6 before any other player.

How to play the game Each player takes turn rolling the dice and setting aside any dice with the target number.  If they fail to roll the target number, their turn is over and they pass the dice to the next player.

Each player starts at 1 and tries to set aside five 1’s.  If they are successful, they move on to the next number in the sequence and re-rolls all the dice.

The first player to complete all the sets from 1-6 is the winner.

Example game play Player one is on his 4th set and rolls all the dice, he rolls 4,4,3,2,2 and set aside the two 4s and rolls the remaining three dice. Player one rolls the remaining three dice and gets 4,3,5. He sets aside the 4 and rolls the remaining two dice. Player one rolls the remaining two dice and gets 3,5 he failed to roll a 4 and his turn is over. Player two is on his 3s and rolls all the 5 dice, and gets 3,3,3,2,2 he sets aside the three 3s and rolls the remaining two dice Player two rolls the remaining two dice ang gets 3,3, he has completed his 3s and moves on to this 4s. Player two rolls all 5 dice and gets 3,2,5,6,2 and failed to get any fours. Players two turn is over Player one is on his fours and rolls all 5 dice.

Play continues until someone completes there 6’s.

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